“Jsme tu, abychom pomáhali pacientům s roztroušenou sklerózou a jejich blízkým”


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Vždy si poslat testovací aktualitu na e-maily: landova@gmail.com, roska@roska.eu

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Project Transfer of knowledge and experience between partner MS societies and international networking

We have prepared two new spots that represent the activities of the ROSKA Union and summarize basic information about multiple sclerosis. The videos will be used at our educational events and in doctors' offices, where they can reach newly diagnosed patients.

We published the videos on the YouTube channel of Unie ROSKA and they are available both in Czech and with English subtitles. If you are interested in showing the videos at an event you are organizing or for example in your doctor's office, please contact us by email. We will be happy to send you the videos in the required format.


Vznik spotů byl podpořen z Fondů EHP 2014-2021
Název projektu: Přenos znalostí a zkušeností mezi pobočnými spolky a mezinárodní networking
Číslo projektu: ZD-MGS3-004
