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Úvod > O nás > EEA Grants > Trip report on the Norwegian partner

Trip report on the Norwegian partner

In the framework of bilateral cooperation with the Norwegian partner in the project "Transfer of knowledge and experience between partner MS societies and international networking funded by the EEA Fund, we arrived in Bergen on 28.9. evening 2022.

We arranged the trip along with our project partner The Royal Norwegian Society for Development (KSPR).

The execution of the programme took place in the town of Ulvik. Our interpreter Klara arrived in Bergen on the afternoon of 29 September and we travelled together from Bergen by train to Ulvik, where are no air connections.

In the evening we had a meeting with our Norwegian partner and Norwegian experts. After the briefing we had a dinner together and discussed the detailed programme of our working visit.

On Friday, 30th September, with the help of our interpreter, we spent several hours with the regional office of the partner patient organisation MS foreningen i Bergen.

We agreed with all the colleagues concerned that we would like to further expand our cooperation, at the level of the regional organisations on the west coast of Norway, which often also work together on a national level. We certainly have a lot to learn.

The main activity of the project, cooking together, took place at the training facility Fagskulen Vestland, which offers education in Arborist and local food culture. In the school we hosted a collaborative cooking of healthy food for MS patients.

A similar event will take place in spring 2023 in Prague. Among other events, we will cook together again, this time using Norwegian recipes. The project will result in a joint booklet of Czech and Norwegian recipes suitable for MS patients.

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